Arts & Crafts
Gie alo
Craft shop GIE Alo, located in Malae, offers customers a wide range of art and craft items, local products and souvenirs of Futuna. Tapa cloths in every shape and size, seashell necklaces, fans, bookmarks, Futuna-inspired postcards and a choice of hand-carved wooden objects such as tanoa kava dishes and spears. The ideal place to find souvenirs and gifts for one and all. The shop is open Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Name of manager/owner
Madame NAU Tolite
Phone number
How to get there
Additional info
Malae - ALO - Futuna
Opening hours
8 h - 17 h du lundi au vendredi
Payment method
Cash , Cheque